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Synchronize Mail-Enabled Public Folder Objects: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Mail-Enabled Public Folders

Mail-enabled public folders (MEPFs) allow you to send and receive email messages to and from a public folder. This feature is useful for sharing information with a large group of people or for creating a shared mailbox for a team or project.

Synchronizing MEPFs

To synchronize MEPFs, you can use the Exchange admin center or the Exchange Management Shell. In this article, we will focus on using the Exchange Management Shell.


Before you can synchronize MEPFs, you must first mail-enable the public folder. You can do this using the following command in the Exchange Management Shell: ``` Set-PublicFolder -Identity "Public Folder Name" -MailEnabled $true ```

Using the Exchange Management Shell

To synchronize a MEPF, use the following command in the Exchange Management Shell: ``` Update-PublicFolder -Identity "Public Folder Name" -SyncMailbox "Mailbox Name" ``` Replace "Public Folder Name" with the name of the public folder you want to synchronize. Replace "Mailbox Name" with the name of the mailbox that will be used to synchronize the public folder.

Troubleshooting Synchronization Errors

If you encounter any errors while synchronizing MEPFs, you can use the following command to view the synchronization status: ``` Get-PublicFolder -Identity "Public Folder Name" | Format-List SyncMailboxStatus ``` This command will display the synchronization status of the public folder. If there are any errors, they will be listed in the output.
